About Us
Our journey started in 2014 with events organized for local Armenian artists. We needed to help local artists find their stage, their spotlight... the opportunity to share their art.
During our travels to Armenia we came across incredible artists, musicians, singers, who needed to be given the chance to showcase their art. We saw an opportunity to be the bridge that connected Armenia's artists to the diasporan public.
As of April 2018, we have successfully hosted many concerts for artists from Armenia.
With the pandemic, we had to find a way to help Armenian entrepreneurs reach a greater public and be able to display their work. We have therefore decided to help them by reselling their books and toys. And so... our online store was born. Visit our online Armenian bookstore or make an appointment to meet us if you're in Montreal.
Aghpur's mission is to showcase Armenian art in all its forms.
The most important part of our mission is to spread the love for our culture and help youth discover the hidden gems of our people.
We host events such as concerts, book launches, movie premieres, presentations, etc.
Books & Gifts 
Armenian entrepreneurs have come up with great products for children. We wanted to give them a way to reach the diasporans with our shop!
Traditions have been passed on through the centuries and should continue to be passed on. Our blogs and events will ensure that we share and keep important traditions alive.
Aghpur supports a community of local Armenian artists
who are painters, artisans, authors, performers through organizing local artisan markets and showcasing their works on our website.